
"No mask is more forced upon us, more reinforc- ed and emphasized every day of our lives, than that of sex. And no mask is, as a fact more palpably in- herant than the physiological sex distinctions. How- ever, there are hardly any proven congenital psycho- logical differences between the sexes. Therefore there is nothing extraordinary in the idea that every masculine mask covers a potential woman and every mask of woman a potential man. The woman in the man and the man in the woman do not have an easy time in life. In some people their existance is hard to dis- cern. In others they have more real character and manifest themselves as extreme hate or envy regard- ing the opposite sex or as contempt for or overesti- mation of their own sex. By means of sex-masking, it is possible to let the woman in the man or the man in the woman live fully and completely for a time. The person thus gets a freedom that he gen- erally does not have. Yes, some are really able to be themselves...

There was a piece in the papers this week about a swimming pool manager requiring that long-haired youths of the "cool" generation must wear bathing caps in the water, just like the girls must. If this serves to convince even one matty-haired lad that a girl's hair-do does not just happen, we are on the way back. But it reminds me again how mixed and mingled in us all are both the masculine and the feminine qualities.

Usually, thank heaven, one has the upper hand, yet we could not function effectively as women were it not for the "man" who dwells within us.

The fellow who lives inside of you is the only